Will ChatGPT replace PROGRAMMERS?

Will they...?

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ChatGPT is a platform where people ask their questions, generate images, or even just entertain themselves. After the huge breakthrough of ChatGPT, the lives of people just can’t be easier. This bot is most profitable for students for their educational purposes, to solve their curious questions or even just to be a friend of theirs. But, how sure are we that, this platform can be the AI world’s best friend? Everything comes with advantages and disadvantages.

In today’s world, the AI industry is taking over many jobs. Software developers create robots and there are about 26.9 software developers worldwide which is estimated to be increased to 40 million software developers by 2030. What if
.. just a what if
.. robots can take over the job of a software developer?

If we ask ChatGPT to create a website code, within seconds and with efficiency, it’s gonna create a very accurate code. The output of the code usually looks professional and modern. Creating code for a website as a software developer, can days, months, or even years, and sometimes you might make mistakes (they are humans too) which can affect the whole look of the website. Besides, a website is a major part of someone’s portfolio, business, career, etc. The look of the website will be judged by the audience and they will be the ones deciding to stay or to leave the website. Today, we will be reading 4 parts on WHY or why NOT a robot can take the place of software developers.

Part 1:- I asked ChatGPT to CREATE a WEBSITE.

I asked ChatGPT to create code for a website. Coding is the hardest part of creating a website. The better the website looks, the harder the code is. So, to see how fast ChatGPT takes to create a code for a website, I tested it out.

The prompt I gave was to “Create a code for a website that is sleek, and modern and should be an AI themed. Should NOT be overcrowded with information and SHOULD BE professional.” And ChatGPT was quick and gave me this:-

This was just one-half of the answer I got from ChatGPT. It coded for me in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a programming language that is very easy for a beginner to learn. This language is typically used for making websites (not that suitable for apps), portfolios or even just to learn.

Back to the answer I got on behalf of ChatGPT, I analyzed it and saw that this code was very simple, not very modern, and not very professional despite highlighting that it should be. The code was very simple, similar to what a beginner does. This Is the output of the code which I received from Chatgpt:

This is the output that I got from ChatGPT. It is very different from the prompt that I gave. ChatGPT promised that this would be a sleek, modern, and professional-looking website. A website coded this fast usually won’t look too professional. It will look minimalist and elegant and avoids an overload of information.

Part 2:- I asked ChatGPT to GATHER data and ANALYSE it.

Being a software developer is not easy. Gathering data and analyzing it for project management, client meetings, or for stakeholders to understand the purpose of the software that a developer is working on. This is usually a very difficult job but, can ChatGPT do it? Can it do it similar to how developers do? Well, I put that to the test.

I asked ChatGPT to gather and analyze information about API from a developer’s perspective. API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. APIs are analyzed by developers before starting a project (such as building an app, where API has a big role).

The prompt I gave to ChatGPT was to gather and analyze information on what APIs are?, how to use APIs?, what are APIs used for, and how to use them in a project. (from a software developer’s perspective). This is what ChatGPT gave me:

Well, the gathering of information and the analysis wasn’t that bad. It was organized and professional. The points that were asked to be added were added to the output. This information was very straightforward, understandable, and was a clear perspective from a developer. This information will be very helpful for a developer who is working on a project and needs to analyze APIs to make the project better in functioning and utility.

ChatGPT did a better job in collecting and analyzing information than creating codings for a software/website. The information and analyses on APIs were accurate and efficient and also provided examples for a few points.

Part 3:- I asked ChatGPT to DESIGN a software STRUCTURE.

Designing software requires tireless days and late nights. A huge chunk of a developer’s time while working on a project goes to designing a structure for the software. A structure for a software is very crucial because it affects its working. A structure is the backbone of software.

Usually, a structure contains multiple layers which include:

  • Data handling

  • Model building and training

  • API usage

  • User interaction and so much more.

I asked ChatGPT to give me a software structure for a website. The prompt I gave was “Design a software structure related to AI” and this is what it created:

After analysis, I found that this structure is not that bad. It is very short and precise making it very understandable. These structures are usually used in simple websites, not complex websites. Well, it is a great structure that includes a user interface, API layer, AI application core, AI model layer, and also data processing. For the making of a very simple and classy website, this will be a very good structure.

Example 4: I asked ChatGPT to TROUBLESHOOT the Bluetooth PROBLEM on my computer.

Troubleshooting problems related to computers and software are one of the jobs of a developer. Identifying and fixing bugs or issues in the code during development or after the software is deployed is usually done by software developers.

Bluetooth issues are one of the many problems faced by computer users. These issues are usually caused by hardware failure, disc failure, bugs, programming errors, and so on. Most Bluetooth issues arise on old devices, where hardware failure is more prone to happen.

I gave ChatGPT a prompt like this: “troubleshoot the causes of the problems on my computer with a Bluetooth option that doesn't work.”

After my analysis, I understood the output was good and informative enough to make me understand what the problem with my device was. ChatGPT even provided the solution to most of the problems and even gave a summary of the whole output that was provided. All these are common problems that are usually misunderstood by people who lack computer knowledge (like beginners).


These are just a few things that software developers do try out by ChatGPT. The reality is that these robots and artificial intelligence are built by humans, and robots won’t be able to do tasks that humans do properly. Robots like ChatGPT are programmed to help us in our daily lives and make it easier not to do professional work like developers, programmers, doctors, etc. Technological advancements make our lives easier and efficient and create more opportunities but, not all work can be replaced by robots.